miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Types and genres of music

the creation of music is one of many fantastic things created by man since the music and its genres are the sounds you hear so well and makes you feel the same way and need to get each of the genres is respected.Rock and roll:The Rock and Roll (or rock'n'roll in some places) estilomusical emergia as defined in the U.S. in the 1950s, this can be seen in algunoselementos of rock and roll can be heard on recordings deblues or stations as far back as the year ± os 1920. The beginnings of rock and rollcombina elements of blues, boogie woogie, and jazz with influences dela Appalachian folk music, gospel, country and western specialized specialized this genre.Some people date the origin of rock and roll in 1954, with Bill Haley trabajodiscografico and his group Bill Haley and the Haley'sComets, in early history. especially with "Crazy Man Crazy" (1954) and his big hit "Rock Around The Clock" (1955), which will have much influence on JohnLennon.Each of its subgenres are blended subtly between your ypueden also collect items from each of its sub-ideologies, foulbrood rock makes a culture rich and varied thoughts and sounds.Pop:Pop music is one that, regardless of the instrumentation and technological aaplicada for its creation, retains the formal structure "verse-chorus - verse", executed in a simple, melodic, catchy, and usually comparable to the general public. His big differences with other styles are in melodic voices and percussion planoy clear linear first and repeated. to other trunfar or Start began in the twentieth century temperature and climate in each of the 60.Michael Jackson is the maximorepresentante of this style.Historically, the term "pop music" was not understood as ungenero concretas.esto musical with music features may catalogadocomo The music "Pop", short for Popular Music, was understood as locontrario to worship music, to classical music. time as the pop has been making his own acceptation as independent musical style, escaping, also, pejorative and negative delsentido to be linked.Rap:Rap is the vocal musical element of hip hop.la story has started to say that from the beginning was the MC elque ± aba presented and accompanied the DJ, who was really the star delespectaculo. But today, we could say that almost always the Djel that accompanies ± to the MC, and often not listed. that the term comes from the English rap, language that means criticizing severamente.Tambien has been suggested that it could be an acronym of the expression in English rhythm and poetry (rhythm and poetry). other possible acronyms are "retupnas protestal African American" or "revolution afroamericanaprotestante." this can be found on different pages of our Internet.Ska:The ska began with a musical style from Jamaica, which flourished during the first half of the 1960s and derivaprincipalmente the fusion of American black music of the time well known that occurred with proper popular rhythms Caribea ± os, being the precursor directodel rocksteady and later, reggae. profile their particular identity, entrecallejera, nostolgica and "mysterious" feature that keep the ages THROUGH. was also strongly associated with the Rude Boy Jamaican laindependencia and the UK, but became popular very entodo the world from shortly after birth.Reggae:Eles a genre reggae music from Jamaica (the adjetivojamaicano applies to people). The term reggae esusado sometimes broadly to refer to the majority of its ritmosjamaiquinos, including ska, dub and rocksteady. The term is more specifically used to indicate a particular style that originated after the development of rocksteady. In this sense, the reggaeincluye two sub-genres: roots reggae and reggae began dancehall.El term is a derivation of ragga, which in turn is an abbreviation deraggamuffin, which in English literally means ragged.Blues:The Blues is a vocal and instrumental musical style, which was based on lautilizacion blues notes and a repetitive pattern that sueleseguir twelve-bar structure. In the United States development in African American communities, through the spiritual, prayer songs, work songs, rhymes, English, and Irish baladasescocesas narrated and field shouts among others. The use delas blues notes and the importance of calling patterns yrespuesta, both in his music and lyrics are indicative of African-Western laherencia this style. The blues began influencing the American and Western popular music in general, reaching aformar of musical genres such as ragtime, jazz, bluegrass, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, hip-hop, country music and cancionespop.Jazz:Jazz is a musical style born enpezo late nineteenth century enEstados States and expanding globally along all elsiglo XX.The history of jazz is characterized by two main features:* By its constant assimilation of other trends musicalesestilostica or culturally alien to the, on the other, their ability degenerate other musical styles such as rock and roll, which evolve independently terminaronpor jazz.* For the uninterrupted succession of a large set desubestilos which, seen at that time in perspective, show huge differences between some musical deellosClassical music:The classicism began to notice in early 1750 musical (death of JS Bach) and ends at approximately 1820. Propiamentedicha classical music coincides with the time called classicism, as in other arts and copy setrata the rediscovery of the classical Greco-Roman art, which was considered traditional or ideal. In the music noexistio a pà cuatrimagesima rte of a classic original, as it had not been written ningunamusica of Greek or Roman era. The music of classical music evolved into a highly balanced armoniaa and melodica.Reggaeton:The reggaeton was a part (also reggaeton and reggaeton) is a genre musicalvariante raggamuffin, which in turn decreases the Jamaican reggae, hip hop influenced by the areas of Miami, Los Angeles and NewYork Latino. also is one of the peculiarities of reggaeton are your local loshablas letters espaà ± ol and influence other Latin styles such as bomba and salsa. Born from the parties in which the instrumental B-side DJpinchaba of putting reggae vinyl 45 bpm instead of 30, making them more motivated to dance themSauce:(The sauce is a musical genre) of music to Latin American African ± Caribea that emerged in New York. It was created by Latin American immigrants, especially from Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic in the years sixties mixed ± traditional Latin rhythms with elements deljazz according to the example of the mambo and cha-cha-cha. this made thus gave background to the music with various percussion instruments, style salsa is the main music played in clubs or Latinos and is the essential pulse of Latin music, according to the author EdMorales. And whose figure precursor was, Dominican Johnny Pacheco oncreate guidelines to follow with your company, Fania Records.Cumbia:Cumbia is a style or genre of traditional music of Colombia and Panama, and other countries unbaile latinoamericanos.La popular etymology of the word is very controversial, ademoases some of the festivities, however the more generalmenteaceptada hypothesis about its origin is that the term is of Bantu origin and derivade cumbia, rhythm and dance Mbata area in Guinea Ecuatorial.La etymology of the word is controversial, however most generally accepted hypothesis about its origin is that the term is derived from deorigen Bantu and cumbia , rhythm and dance Mbata area, Equatorial enGuinea.

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